Why do we always feel this way? Why are our goals always just out of reach?
This is one of the ways that the Lord is able to get us to progress. We set goals for ourselves, or we see that there will be something good to come from our struggles in life. When we reach those goals though, we don't get a permanent feeling of satisfaction. This is because with our new found self, we can see that we can be better, can do more, and we set new goals, even if we don't notice that we are doing it.
There is a great part in the Arcana #4145 that talks about this process in life.
"Every man who is being regenerated is first in mediate good, in order that it may serve for introducing genuine goods and truths; but after it has served this use, this good is separated, and the man is brought to good which flows in more directly. Thus the man who is being regenerated is perfected by degrees.... Take as an example married love: the good which precedes and initiates is beauty, or agreement of manners, or an outward adaptation of the one to the other, or equality of condition, or a desired condition. These goods are the first mediate goods of married love. Afterwards comes conjunction of minds, wherein the one wills as the other, and perceives delight in doing that which pleases the other. This is the second state; and then the former things, though still present, are no longer regarded. Finally there follows a unition in respect to celestial good and spiritual truth, in that the one believes as the other, and the one is affected by the same good as the other."
** Application ** Work harder to achieve your goals! Every step we take toward "genuine good" the better life will feel. One way to do this is to really define your goal, and make sure that it is achievable. You will get relief and satisfaction along the way, and with each achievement life will get even better.
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