To "Love thy neighbor" is a very broad concept. We can do this in many ways, but the way I would like to single out for todays thought is loving ones country. Memorial Day is a great time to remember the love that all of our men and women in uniform express to the neighbor by putting our country above themselves. To love ones country is a greater love than loving ones own friends and family. It is an expression of love for Gods creation, and thus connects loving the neighbor and love to the Lord. Our two great commandments. In True Christian Religion, Swedenborg discusses love of ones country.
414. One's country is more a neighbor than a single community, because it consists of many communities, and consequently love towards the country is a broader and higher love. Moreover, loving one's country is loving the public welfare. One's country is the neighbor, because it is like a parent; for one is born in it, and it has nourished him and continues to nourish him, and has protected and continues to protect him from injury. Men ought to do good to their country from a love for it, according to its needs, some of which are natural and some spiritual. Natural needs relate to civil life and order, and spiritual needs to spiritual life and order. That one's country should be loved, not as one loves himself, but more than himself, is a law inscribed on the human heart; from which has come the well-known principle, which every true man endorses, that if the country is threatened with ruin from an enemy or any other source, it is noble to die for it, and glorious for a soldier to shed his blood for it. This is said because so great should be one's love for it. It should be known that those who love their country and render good service to it from good will, after death love the Lord's kingdom, for then that is their country; and those who love the Lord's kingdom love the Lord Himself, because the Lord is the all in all things of His kingdom
Thank you to all of those who serve, or have served, their countries. God bless.
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